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Party Construction| Company Party Committee Carried out Activities in Multi-forms to Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Founding of Communist Party of China Edit Date:2021/07/01

       From 1921 to 2021, Communist Party of China (CPC) has gone through a 100-year history. With trials and hardships, the 100-year was like a song. To warmly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of CPC, give a vanguard example of party members and reflect battle fortress of basic party branch, improve the understanding on party of party members and cadres, strengthen the quality of political sense of party members, and to create an excellent atmosphere, the company party committee organized series of activity of the 100th anniversary of Founding of Communist Party of China.

 Watching Live of Congress of the 100th anniversary of the founding of CPC

       At 8:00 a.m. on July 1st, company Party Committee organized all party members to watch Live of Congress of the 100th anniversary of the founding of CPC in Conference Hall. All party members listened carefully to the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping and said that the centenary celebration is of great significance. As the first centenary goal has been achieved, and they will continue to forge ahead and make contributions to the second centenary Goal under the leadership of the Party, the country and the company.

 Worshiping Martyrs to Learn Party History

       Under the arrangement by the Party Committee, 41 party members and representatives of league members went to the Guangzhou Martyrs’ Park to hold the event with theme of ‘’Worship martyrs to learn Party history". History is the best textbook, the majority of party and league members of the company will continue to carry forward the great spirit of selfless love on the Party and patriotism of the revolutionary ancestors, and learn the history of the Party, of new China, of reform and opening up, and of development of socialism, and inherit and carry forward the excellent traditions of the Party.

 Quiz competition

       On the eve of ‘’the 1st July‘’, the Party Committee of 古天乐代言太阳集团 organized party branches to hold “Celebration on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party” quiz competition for promoting learning, to encourage and motivate the majority of party members and the masses to review the extraordinary past 100 years, remember the red history, and to further stimulate the love on party and patriotic enthusiasm by the majority of party members and the masses. The competition was mainly conducted by answering questions online, with 108 party members participating.

 Watching red film

       On the 1st July, the Party Committee of 古天乐代言太阳集团 organized all party members to watch the red film “The Great Revival of the Party”, telling a series of major historical events that took place in China during the 10 years from the outbreak of 1911 Revolution to the first National Congress of Communist Party of China in 1921 in Conference Hall of Building No.6. Party members were once again shocked by the revolution, and further understood the founding of CPC through the film.