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Special Conference for “the 14th 5-year Plan” Strategy Arrangement and “Brainstorming” Was Held Edit Date:2021/09/16

       Recently, to implement Haisum Group’s requirement regarding “the 14th 5-year Plan” strategy plan and digital transformation and upgrading, combining with the company’s “the 14th 5-year Plan” strategy planning and the operation status, the company, in aspect of 4 main themes: “traditional light industries, new energy and environmental protection industry, civil building industry and BIM technology” held a brainstorming meeting. 古天乐代言太阳集团 leaders, relevant department heads and key staff attended the meeting, had a full exchange of ideas and discussion, and put forward constructive opinions on the development of those four major industries.

       As the result of meeting, it was believed that:

       the company should further integrate high-quality resources such as talents, technology, customers and projects, sort out industry classification, clarify advantages and disadvantages, follow national policies, define development direction and reform planning; barriers between departments should be broken down by abandoning departmentalism and improving position to formulate plans for integrated development and reform based on the results of brainstorming; talent team of each industry section should be strengthened, and the industry leaders and technology leaders should be introduced or trained to; promotion of digital transformation goal should be accelerated to achieve full mastery of BIM technology by technical personnel and improve the company’s core competitiveness.

       In the meeting it was also emphasized that:

       Breakthrough in EPC projects should be done in traditional light industry, and at the same time by applying the advantages of overseas project experience overseas projects should be expanded; for new energy and environmental protection industry domestic and foreign policy guidance should be kept up with and potential market should be continuously explored; for civil building industry technical engineering level should further improved, based on the local developing period, to improve the market share, and create a characteristic brand; for all sectors historical opportunity should be fully seized to ensure the accomplishment of “the 14th Five-Year Plan” goal.