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Management Level Tenure System & Contractual Management Signing Ceremony Were Held Edit Date:2021/11/05

       On 5th November, Management Level Tenure System & Contractual Management Signing Ceremony were held in Conference Hall on the 2nd floor, further defining company executive member tenure and responsibility, supervising and ensuring the leading cadres’ right and duty according to regulation, stimulating entrepreneurial energy, and fully opening new revolution situation of the company personnel system. Lin Lin, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary of the Board of Haisum Group and Chairman of 古天乐代言太阳集团, Luo Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of 古天乐代言太阳集团 and his leading team members and heads of various departments attended the signing ceremony.

       During the ceremony, Chairman Lin Lin, on behalf of the board of directors of the company, signed position appointment agreement and annual and term performance responsibility sheet with General Manager Luo Jun. General Manager Luo Jun signed annual and term performance responsibility sheet with other management members.

       This signing of contract clearly defined contractual terms such as engaged position, tenure period, responsibilities, and term and annual performance indicator, salary paying, exit mechanism, etc. of management level members, and truly achieved flexibility of management via contract and of assessment via solid indicator and of goal within achievement.

       After the ceremony, Lin Lin and company leaders listened to the progress of ongoing major project construction and new energy business development report in the 4th Conference Room, and held the company’s 2022 development direction principal meeting to in depth discuss the company’s next development direction. After listening to the project site report, Chainman Lin put forward requirements regarding various work and risk points: at present, construction of projects had entered rush period; safety string should be always tightened, to ensure safety and stable operation and completion of key milestones for these projects.