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古天乐代言太阳集团 Received Compliment Letter for Linxia Domestic Waste to Energy Project from the Government and the Employer Edit Date:2022/01/10

       At the beginning of the New Year, the company has received a banner and a compliment letter from Linxia Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and Linxia Luhong Environmental Protection Electric Power Co., Ltd., expressing their recognition and appreciation to the company.

       The letter said that, it was a social security project to implement reduction and harmlessness of domestic waste in LinXia Zhou area; our company, as the general contractor of this project, with a strong sense of social responsibility and service, excellent technical capability, from 13th April 2020, undertook the project, firmly carried out all arrangements of the government, took the overall situation of people’s livelihood into consideration, actively performed the social responsibility, and organized tremendous technical force for the project construction with overcoming difficulties such as Covid-19 outbreak, rising prices of raw materials. On 10th December, 2021 the plant started to receive domestic waste of various towns and counties of Linxia Zhou; and milestone of power synchronization was completed on December 31.

 Give a “thumbs-up”to our project!