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2022 Annual Operation & Party Working Conference Was Held Edit Date:2022/04/02

       From 23rd to 24th January, the company held 2022 Annual Operation & Party Working Conference, for learning and implementing the operation conference spirit of Poly Group, Poly SinoLight And Haisum. During the conference the work done in 2021 was summarized; the situation was analyzed; the key work in 2022 was assigned; and the advanced group and excellent employees in 2021 were commended. Leaders of the company, heads of production and functional departments, head of Xi ’an branch, deputy chief engineers and other middle-level and above leaders attended the meeting.

       Party secretary, Chairman, and General manager of the company, Luo Jun, firstly conveyed the 2022 annual work conference spirit of Poly Group, Poly Sinolight, Haisum Group, requested the company of leading cadres at all levels to learn the superior company work spirit earnestly, with high-quality development as the core requirement, to carry out revolution promotion, precise management, risk control, scientific research enhancement, to achieve the goals set in the “14th Five-Year Plan”.

       On behalf of Party Committee of the company, Li Zhenzhou, Secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy General Manager, made the 2021 annual Party work report. He pointed out that in 2021, the party Committee of the company followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely focused on the central work, actively developed the important effects of direction control, seeking overall situation, formulating policies and promoting development by celebrating the centenary and studying the history of the Party as the main line to ensure the company’s operation.

       He stressed that, in 2022, the company would continue to implement the spirit of the 19th session of party, enhancing the party leading foundation, further promoting the party building into the center work, enhancing the consciousness of responsibility and mission of the party members and cadres, and would, with high quality the party work ensuring company high quality development, greet the 20th session with honors.

       During the conference, Vice General Manager Li Fang, Li Zhenzhou, Jiang Chao, Zhu Cheng and Chief engineer Xu Lin respectively shared their work contents. Contract and legal department and Financial Department made production and operation analysis reports and financial status analysis reports respectively to comprehensively analyze the company’s 2021 production and operation status. The principals of each production and functional department, of Xi ’an Branch and deputy chief engineers of disciplines respectively exchanged speeches on the work highlights of 2021, work plan of 2022, and thinking about the two transformation and development of the company.

       Luo Jun, Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of the company, made a summary speech. In his speech, he reviewed the operation and management of the company in 2021, analyzed the situation and problems, and put forward requirements for the key work in 2022.

       He pointed out that the company’s 2021 business indicators steadily increased, and market operation, technology quality, financial control, epidemic prevention had achieved good results; our own problems and shortcomings should be faced, such as digital transformation not reaching the expected goal, human resources allocation not reasonable and other problems.

       He stressed that in 2022, the company would continue to adhere to the tone of seeking improvement in stability work, by taking market as the guidance, customer as the center, to develop the business, with “5 good years”, namely “Party”, “Customer”, “innovation”, “Lean”, “Implementation” and with the goal of strong integration, precise management and promoting balance and should gradually adjust the company’s organizational structure, and ensure the healthy, development of the company. He required that the company party members and cadres should focus on the Principle of “problem orientation, target traction, reforming assisting, science and technology power”, comprehensively improve the company’s core competitiveness and ensure the accomplishment of 2022 tasks and indicators.

       Finally, he also made requirements and arrangements for work safety, epidemic prevention and control, and compliance with the Eight-point Rules for the Spring Festival.

       During the conference, two special trainings :safety leadership and scientific and technological innovation, were also organized.