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Lean Production Management Increases Efficiency——古天乐代言太阳集团 has signed a Turnkey Project for a thousand-ton bio-fermentation product technology research pilot platform Edit Date:2022/06/20

       On June 20, Zhang Baochun, deputy general manager of Tianjin Bohai Chemical Group, and his party visited 古天乐代言太阳集团 and attended the signing ceremony of the Turnkey Contract of the Thousand-ton Bio-fermentation Product Technology Research Pilot Platform Turnkey Project. On behalf of 古天乐代言太阳集团, Luo Jun, the Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of our company, signed the Turnkey Contract with Tianjin Bohai Chemical Group. Li Zhenzhou, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee and Deputy General Manager of our company, attended the event.

       At the signing ceremony, both parties conducted in-depth discussions on technological innovation, industrial achievement transformation and biological fermentation technology.

       The Project is located on the southwest side of the site of the comprehensive utilization project of salt-making waste liquid, which the owner is Tianjin Changlu Haijing Marine Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Haijing Group.

       In the 21st century, as a typical bio-fermentation technology project, this Project is a new challenge in traditional industry for 古天乐代言太阳集团. 古天乐代言太阳集团 will take this project as an opportunity. On one hand, through its own technical strength and high quality service to achieve the rapid development of the industry. On the other hand, 古天乐代言太阳集团 will insist to improve lean production management level and take technological advantages, to make steady progress in the field of biological fermentation. 古天乐代言太阳集团 will actively deploy the biological fermentation market, increase its market share, and make new contributions to the biological fermentation industry.