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EPC project of Supporting Heat Network (Phase I) for Jiangmen Zhuxi New Materials Agglomeration Zone Distributed Energy Station Started. Edit Date:2021/10/14

       When the earth returns to spring and everything revives. On 5th March, 2021, at 9:30 am, EPC project of Supporting Heat Network (Phase I) for Jiangmen Zhuxi New Materials Agglomeration Zone Distributed Energy Station (hereinafter referred to as the “Jiangmen Heat Network Project”) formally started for its civil works part on site in the industrial park, with the owner’s strong support and help and under the joint efforts of 古天乐代言太阳集团 and other parties.

 VI Notice on Site

       As the EPC contractor of the project, 古天乐代言太阳集团 will follow the requirements of the owner and the project schedule, under the orientation of the construction management policy of “Scientific management, careful construction, excellent quality and customer satisfaction”. Project team members will spare no effort to push forward the work the scope of the project including detail engineering, equipment procurement, civil construction, erection, commissioning and other works in an orderly manner.

 Determining construction route

       Steam pipeline design parameters of Jiangmen Heat Network project: pressure 2.0mpa (g), temperature 250℃;heat supply steam pipeline diameter DN65-350; total length of the pipeline 8.66km (length of expansion), including the length of double pipe layout 3.4km (length of double pipe corridor). Planned completion period is 150 days.

 Machinery prepartion

 First test of pit

       Jiangmen heat network project will fully absorb successful experience of domestic thermal pipework construction, adopt reasonable technology and high quality materials, and optimize the design according to the site conditions, and strive to build a qualified and safe thermal pipework.