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古天乐代言太阳集团’s Changsha Project Won the Third Prize in 12th “Innovation Cup” Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application Competition Edit Date:2021/10/10

       Recently, China Survey and Engineering Association announced the results of the 12th “Innovation Cup” Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application Competition. This competition gathered 1957 excellent projects across the country. The organizing committee, through initial evaluation, online evaluation and final evaluation and after multiple assessments, finally awarded The application of Industrial BIM Forward Design in Changsha Large Domestic Waste Clean Incineration Power Generation Project by 古天乐代言太阳集团, the third prize of BIM application achievement in industrial building category.

       “Innovation Cup” BIM Application Competition is jointly held by China Survey and Engineering Association and Autodesk Software (China) Co., LTD. This competition is the oldest, highest specification and most influential BIM technology application competition in the industry, reflecting the highest level of BIM technology in the field.

 Changsha Large Domestic Waste Clean Incineration Power Generation Project

       This project achieved 100% full coverage of the integrated pipeline simulation of the main workshop through automatic calculation and system plug-ins after optimization. The overall efficiency of BIM forward design has been significantly improved (by about 30%) and the material cost saved by 10% for the client.

       Based on the company’s industrial BIM forward design platform, the project achieved full-discipline collaborative design, integrated optimization design and project management cloud collaboration, which effectively improved design quality of key and difficult parts engineering such as general layout, integrated pipe layout and appearance design, and achieved expected goals of the client.